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School Wide Positive Behaviour Support SWPBS

Wodonga West Children’s Centre is committed to the implementation of a school wide approach to ‘Positive Behaviour Support’ (PBS), with the purpose of establishing a safe, supportive and positive learning environment.

PBS applies evidence-based approaches, practices and strategies for all students to increase academic performance, decrease problem behaviour, improve safety, and establish a positive school culture.

How does PBS work?

PBS places a major focus on prevention rather than just reacting to inappropriate behaviour. The key elements helping to create a safe, positive and productive learning environment are;

  1. Positively stated expectations for all students and staff.
  2. Behaviour expectations are highly visible within classrooms and throughout the school.
  3. Staff using common language in regard to behaviour expectations.
  4. Consistent and frequent acknowledgment of appropriate behaviour.
  5. Addressing problem behaviour with a reteaching focus.
  6. Effective use of behaviour data to assess and inform decision making.

School Values 

As part of the PBS process, we have established three clear, positive expectations for behaviour we expect from staff and students in all areas of our school – Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner.

At Wodonga West Primary School, we explicitly teach our expectations to the students and encourage and acknowledge them frequently for displaying the expected behaviour. Below you will find a link to the behaviour Matrix which outlines all of the expected behaviours in our school.

2020 Behaviour Matrix

In class students receive Dojo points, for displaying behaviours that meet our expectations on the Matrix. These dojo’s build up for individual class reward time. Classes can also receive ‘class stars’ which are mostly given out by specialist teachers and when a class has 10 stars they receive a class reward.

Links are given to students in the yard which go towards house points. Each fortnight we have a different yard focus. Links are collected in classrooms and tallied for fortnightly updates at assembly with each house vying for first place.

Students are also given house points at sporting events including Athletics and Cross Country with houses vying to win the trophy for their house.